
Shashlik And Lamb Testicles For Lunch

The day was supposed to be nice and we were invited to take part in a real Armenian picnic. All the supplies were loaded up in our two small cars and we headed out the dirt road toward the river.Five of us squeezed in to… Read More...

Terms of Service

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Privacy Statement – Mercy Projects values your privacy. We never share our mailing lists with third parties.… Read More...

Journey To Ancient Armenia!

Mission Trip To Armenia – August 4–18, 2011 Price = Airfare + $800

Our plane lands at the Swartnots airport outside Yerevan with the majestic Mt. Ararat looming in the distance. I gaze toward the top of this regal mountain looking for Noah’s Ark. It is amazing to be in this ancient land whose people proudly proclaim their adherence to Christianity as a nation since 301 in the 4th century.


A Life Changing Experience In Armenia


by John Livoti

How many times have you heard how often a short term mission’s trip will change your life? I have been saying this now for ten years and I will continue to say mission’s trips will change your life.

This years short…

Igor Khodatayev

Chaplain Igor (born Oct 8, 1964) is a  former inmate who is the Coordinator of an important prison ministry in Perm, a major maximum security prison in Central Russia. He has a special interest in ministering to women, who are very often especially… Read More...

Hunting For Spiders

We Must Overcome Our Fears


Street kids in Kampala hanging out with no home

As EEO morphs into Mercy Projects I sometimes wonder where exactly are we going?  There I said it.  On good days I always feel confident of the Lord’s leading. On other days, the occasional doubt creeps in like a spider hanging out in the corner, unnoticed. You know he is there, but as long as he isn’t hurting you, what’s the problem? Read More...